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Book Page (multi-page document) structure for roundtrip

Digital heritage items composed of multiple book pages (multi-page documents) can be imported through roundtrip, the same as simple digital heritage items.

Book Page Structure

  • Each book page is effectively a complete digital heritage item that the system connects to display as a book.
    • Each book page can have nearly unique metadata from the other pages.
    • Note that all pages must use the same Community, Protocol, and Item Sharing Settings.
    • If the item is being added to a collection, only list the collection on the first page.
    • Each book page has all the same required fields as a regular digital heritage item, and can use all the same optional fields.
  • To arrange the pages in the digital heritage item spreadsheet, enter each page on it’s own row, in the order you want them to display (eg: top to bottom, first page to last page).
    • In the Book Parent field, leave the first page blank. For all other pages, enter the GUID of the first page.

 Book Page Metadata Fields

  • This article only lists the minimum fields required to successfully create a digital heritage item with multiple book pages. 
  • For a complete list of digital heritage item fields, see Digital heritage metadata fields for roundtrip.
  • An example of these fields is shown below.

Required Fields

    • Each page needs a unique GUID or NID.
    • When importing new items, use a GUID.
    • When updating existing items, use a NID.
  • Book Parent
    • For the first page, leave this field blank.
    • For all other pages, enter the GUID of the first page.
  • Title
    • Each page needs a title.
    • Consider appending a page number to the end of the titles, if each page does not already have a unique title.
  • Category
    • Each page needs one or more categories.
    • They can all be the same, or different pages can list different categories.
  • Community
    • Each page needs a community (NID).
    • This must be the same on all pages – different pages cannot have different communities.
  • Protocol
    • Each page needs a protocol (NID).
    • This must be the same on all pages – different pages cannot have different protocols.
  • Item Sharing Settings
    • Each page needs to list “any” or “all” for the item sharing settings.
    • This must be the same on all pages  – different pages cannot have different sharing settings.
  • Collections
    • If the item is being added to a collection, only list the collection NID on the first page, leave blank for all other pages.
  • Username
    • Each page needs a username.