Huna Heritage Foundation Digital Archives

“The HHF Digital Archives is a collecting archives which gathers historical and cultural materials relating to the Xúna Kaawu for the purposes of education and enjoyment of current and future generations.

HHF recognizes that the materials held within the Library & Archives represent a collective memory for the Xúna Kaawu and Hoonah community. As stewards of cultural and historical record we find inestimable value in digitizing our collection for the purposes of:

Access – Building connections between the past, present and future. Connecting users, regardless of location, to materials representing the history and culture of the Xúna Kaawu.

Preservation – Preserving image, audio and video representation of our way of life. The conservation, care and protection of rare and fragile materials that hold and represent the stories of those that came before us so that we may keep them alive and pass them on. In addition, we will care for physical and digital items before, during, and after the digitization process.

Education – Current and future generations will have increased access to historical and cultural materials that will enhance their understanding of Huna Tlingit culture, language and history.”

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