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Image size and resolutions for site customization (2.1)

For all images, you need to balance quality (dimensions and resolution) with file size. Ideally, upload the highest resolution files that don’t have a negative impact on page load times – this will vary, you may need to use lower resolution files if your users are having trouble loading pages or images. 72 and 150 dpi/ppi are common resolutions for web.

Unless stated otherwise, proportions (eg: 1:1, 4:3) are fixed, but dimensions (eg: 800x600px) are recommendations.

Site-wide (on every page)

  • Site Logo
    • 1:1 (square) 
    • Image is manually selected by editing the logo.

Home Page/Frontpage

  • Large hero image
    • Full screen width
    • No fixed proportion, recommend 16:9 (~1600x500px)
    • Higher resolution (eg: 150 ppi) and dimensions are recommended for hero images.
    • Image is manually selected by editing the frontpage hero image.
  • Small hero image
    • Half (50%) of screen width
    • No fixed proportion
    • Higher resolution (eg: 150 ppi) and dimensions are recommended for hero images.
    • Image is manually selected by editing the frontpage hero image.
  • Featured Content
    • 3:2
    • 1200x800px
    • Images, video previews, and audio player are automatically generated from the selected content, they are not manually selected.
  • Browse by Community thumbnail
    • 4:3
    • 800x600px
    • Images are manually selected by editing each community page.
  • Browse by Category thumbnail
    • 7:4
    • 700x400px
    • Images are manually selected by editing each category.

Collection Browse Page

  • Collection thumbnail
    • 3:2
    • 1200x800px
    • Images will be automatically generated from the items within the collection.
    • Images can also be manually selected by editing each collection.

Collection Pages

  • Collection Featured Image
    • 3:2
    • 1200x800px
    • Images will be automatically generated from the items within the collection.
    • Images can also be manually selected by editing each collection.

Community Browse Page

  • Community thumbnail
    • 4:3
    • 800x600px
    • Images are manually selected by editing each community page.

Community/Cultural Protocol Pages

  • Community/Cultural Protocol Banner
    • 5:2
    • 1500x600px
    • Images are manually selected by editing each community page.

Categories Browse Page

  • Category thumbnail
    • 7:4
    • 700x400px
    • Images are manually selected by editing each category.