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Importing a media asset metadata spreadsheet


  • This workflow shows how to import a single media asset metadata spreadsheet.
  • This is used to update metadata for existing media assets that are in the media library.
  • This can be done by Mukurtu Administrators.

From the Dashboard, click on “All Importers.”.

Click on “Mukurtu Import: Atoms – ____”. 

  • Each media type has its own importer (audio, file, image, video) – choose the corresponding importer for your needs. 
  • This article shows images, but the workflow is the same for all media types.

Click on “Choose File” to locate the file on your computer.

Once the file has been selected, click “Import”.

The import will process. This usually goes fairly quickly, but may take some time if there are many media assets being updated.

When done, a confirmation will be displayed.

  • If successful, the message will read “Updated __ atom(s).”
  • If the import did not run successfully, an error message will be displayed. This may include failure to import or update atoms, skipped atoms, or other issues.
    • Error messages usually contain useful troubleshooting information. If you receive an error message, we suggest taking a screenshot for reference.