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Reclaim Hosting installation and configuration

If you use Reclaim hosting for your Mukurtu CMS site, we strongly recommend following all of the steps linked below in order before beginning your Mukurtu configuration and content creation. Running through the additional configuration and testing steps will help ensure that the installation was complete correctly and that the database is set for the best performance.

  1. Using Reclaim Hosting to host your Mukurtu CMS site
  2. Disabling automatic updates on Reclaim Hosting (if not done during installation)
  3. Forcing HTTPS on Reclaim sites
  4. Configuring memory limit and execution time on Reclaim Hosting
  5. Checking for Drupal database and module updates
  6. Cron configuration

Once you have completed the above steps, then you can proceed to the steps given in Getting started with Mukurtu CMS and begin setting up your Mukurtu CMS site!